Mucusless Diet for Healing
Our body is astonishingly intelligent. For every harmful thing we do to it, our body finds a way to reduce its impact and protect us with all possible resources. Mucus is such a way of protection, but not without consequences in the long run. Explore how excessive mucus impacts the functioning of our body and how to heal with a mucusless diet.
The Story of Mucus – Friend or Enemy?
Mucus is a slimy substance produced by mucous membranes located primarily in our respiratory and digestive system. A healthy amount of mucus is vital for our system. It lines our stomach to protect the walls from the acidity of our gastric juices. Or in case of an infection with harmful bacteria, research shows that mucus is produced to slow down the bacteria. On the other hand, there is often excessive mucus which impacts the proper functioning of our whole system. Foods like meat, dairy, processed foods cause inflammatory responses in our body, leading to excessive mucus for protection.
If consumed on a regular basis, this mucus congests our overall system. Our sinus, throat or lungs are affected, with a runny nose, difficulty breathing or a decreased sense of smell. Consequently, a flu is often the body’s attempt to eliminate excessive mucus due to unhealthy eating habits.
Excessive mucus in our gut
In our digestive tract, mucus hinders the absorption of nutrients in our small intestine. Such a condition can be a cause of underweight although enough calories are consumed. Mucus from our foods also sticks to the wall of our intestines since it can’t be properly digested by our body. This way, some people might even accumulate kilos of old fecal matter, silently but safely leading to putrefaction and fermentation.
Maybe you have heard before that our gut is home to about 80% of our immune system and strongly linked to our brain. Therefore we might not only suffer from digestive conditions with such a mucus accumulation, it also impacts our body on a systemic level. This can show in form of from skin issues, chronic immune conditions or emotional imbalances.
With enough of this smily substance in our body, it can clog up our lymph system. Now it hinders the body to properly discharge waste matter (e.g. metabolic waste, toxins, excessive mucus) through our eliminative organs such as the kidneys. Further on, mucus blocks overall functioning of our cells resulting in hypoactivity of organs and glands. You can go deeper into the implications of excessive mucus with Dr. Robert Morse’s “Miracle Detox Sourcebook“.
Mucusless Diet Healing System by Arnold Ehret
Arnold Ehret (1866-1922), a German pioneer in natural healing with focus on rational fasting, is the founder of the mucusless diet healing system. He discovered that a body with a lot of mucus is the best environment for growth of bacteria, viruses and fungus. He also brought forth the idea that mucus leads to severe congestions in our body, eventually resulting in the majority of our civilisation’s health challenges. So if you want to battle such intruders and achieve longterm health and vitality you should work on improving the milieu inside your body. Ehret promoted a diet of foods that avoid such a chain of harmful reactions in our body, providing us with healing nutrition instead. Don’t miss out on reading his groundbreaking book “Mucusless Diet Healing System” from 1922.
Foods that should be avoided due to their high mucus-forming properties:
– Animal flesh
– Eggs
– Fish and seafood
– Dairy products (e.g. butter, cheese, cream, milk, yogurt)
– Processed and convenience foods
– Refined sugar (e.g. in candy, conventional ice-cream, baked goods)
– Acidic and fermented drinks (e.g. alcohol, cocoa, coffee, kombucha, soda, vinegar)
– Fermented foods (e.g. fish sauce, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, soy sauce)
– White Rice
Check out the full list at the website Mucusfreelife including foods that are moderately mucus forming.
Foods for a mucusless healing diet:
– Green leafy vegetables (e.g. cabbage, kale, lettuce, spinach)
– Raw vegetables (e.g. celery, cucumber, red cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini)
– Baked/steamed vegetables (e.g. steamed asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, pepper, pumpkin, sweet potato)
– Ripe fruits (e.g. apples, blackberries, grapes, lemons, pineapple)
– Dried fruits (e.g. apricots, cranberries, dates, figs)
Explore the full list at Mucusfreelife.
Eliminating mucus, cleansing our system
If you start avoiding mucus-forming foods while including more raw fruits and vegetables you can counteract old lifestyle habits. You might very soon observe how your body eliminates accumulated mucus from your system. It might show as mucus in your stool, urine, throat or nose. These are all signs for healing and should be celebrated. Astringent foods are especially powerful to support mucus elimination, such as lemons and other citrus fruits. One step at a time your body then gets the chance to get rid of excessive mucus and can properly cleanse itself. This is a path for true, longterm healing.
Pokhara, Nepal