10 Creative Ideas for Banana Meals
With winter still in full swing in the Northern hemisphere and limited seasonal fruit options, banana meals are often the best staple for raw food lovers. Now is the time to get a bit more creative in the kitchen so that you are not going...
Heavy Metal Detox with Cilantro
There are particular toxins in our body holding us back from feeling our best - heavy metals. They can cause symptoms like lack of concentration, depression and memory loss, also gut issues, fatigue, anxiety, several aches and pains and much more. Most of us have...
Raw Vegan Abundance: Recipe Ebook
How would your life look like if you would have increased energy, mental clarity, more balanced emotions, better skin or a leaner body? Raw vegan food can help you with that. The process of cooking actually changes the structure of nutrients and often decreases their health...
6 Tips for a Creamy Smoothie
For a smoothie to taste awesome, it needs the full creaminess. I've been there before, the ingredients sound so great together but the final product is clumpy or thin. After almost 6 years of smoothie experience the right texture is no longer a mystery for...
Arugula-Mango Smoothie
Healthy meals still have to taste good so that we can enjoy their benefits in the long run without falling back to less beneficial food decisions. So, what should we do with those bitter greens that are bursting with healing power but might be just...
Green Smoothies – One Healthy Habit
Super creamy, sweet, my favourite colour and an extremely healthy habit - Green Smoothies. In her book “Green for Life” Victoria Boutenko reports from an experiment where 27 participants drank about a litre of green smoothies daily for one month. Apart from that, their diet was...