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Raw Vegan Lunch Box

Raw Vegan Lunch Box

For me, a sustainable healthy vegan lifestyle has to work in all circumstances. Not just going for the occasional fruit cleanse and call it even but having feasible solutions for those everyday life circumstances. Including our healthy, raw vegan lunch box.  

Family dinners, on the go meals, simple breakfast solutions and yes, healthy lunch box ideas. I’ve been living high raw for a few years while going to the office every work day and soon figured out a system that helped me to stay nourished, satisfied and happy.

Everyone’s working/study environment is different and there are always a few things to consider what works for you – e.g. kitchen space at work, fridge or no fridge, proper eating table, hot weather, commute, break duration etc. So hopefully you will find some of these tips helpful for your lunch break.



SIMPLE FRUITS: Some that don’t need preparation and therefore don’t go bad easily are grapes, bananas, melons and papaya (for those two I usually just cut them open and eat the flesh right out of the fruit with a spoon), apples and dates. 

FRUIT SALAD: For all those with a fridge open or really cold weather, fruit salads are great to add more colour to your break time and fully nourish yourself. 

FANCY SALADS: For those with a fridge, prep a salad sauce beforehand but keep it separate from the salad in the fridge. Mason jars are great for storing them. When break time comes, mix everything together and enjoy. 

If you could use some delicious sauce recipes, check out my ebook Raw Vegan Abundance

SIMPLE SALADS: Usually veggies and leafy greens don’t go bad that quickly if not refrigerated for a bit. So cut up some delicious goodies and take a lemon as well as avocado with you. When ready, simply mash the avo into your salad and sprinkle lemon juice on top. 

VEGGIE STICKS: Cut up your favourite veggies and make a quick dip to snack on them during your break time. 


Salads and veggie sticks can be (depending on the volume) a bit less fuel than needed during the day. So if you choose those for your lunch box, add more high-power fruit meals as snacks in between if your time and working conditions allow that. Otherwise, I personally always preferred fruits for lunch and kept my dinner salad for the evening. 


Have a delicious lunch break!




Puerto Escondido, Mexico