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Raw Vegan Swaps

Healthy raw vegan swaps

I love rice dishes with veggies and curry sauce,  pasta is such a comforting meal and who doesn’t like some saltiness in their dishes, right? Let me show you some raw vegan swaps to recreate these meals. 


When we switch to healthier meal choices, it can be so much fun to explore new versions of our favourite foods. Especially with a dehydrator and the right recipes you can basically create anything with raw foods. But I know that many of you don’t have such kitchen equipment and that is totally fine, me neither.

So here are a few easy raw vegan swaps that might not taste exactly like the conventional version BUT give you a similar experience which is often all we need to stay happy with our healthy meals. 


Raw vegan swaps – Delicious Meal Ideas

Rice – Jicama or cauliflower
If you have, use a processor to grate jicama or cauliflower into a rice texture. If you don’t have a processor, you can put chunks of them into the blender, fill it up with water till they are covered and pulse a few times. Pour everything into a strainer and press out the excess water. 

Couscous – Jicama or cauliflower
Use the same approach as for the raw vegan rice, but process the jicama or cauliflower a bit finer to get a texture that resembles couscous or millet.

Pasta – Spiralised zucchini or cucumber
All you need is a simple spiraliser which you can usually get for under $10. Now, you can make cucumber or zucchini noodles for your favourite pasta dishes – one of my favourite raw vegan swaps.

(Check out my recipe ebook for some pasta sauce inspiration along with the recipe for the Raw Vegan Tuna Dip – see picture.)

Crackers – Zucchini
Zucchini have a great size for making crackers. Simply slice them up, put a flavourful dip on top and garnish with some herbs.

Wraps – Lettuce
Collard leaves are especially easy to use for a raw vegan wrap alternative since they are pretty firm and easily hold everything together.


Other healthy alternatives

Refined sugar – Fruits, fruits, fruits
For smoothies, nicecream, milk alternatives and sweet treats bananas or dried fruits are amazing. To add some sweet flavours to savoury dishes, I love to add dates to the sauces. 

Refined salt – Celery or seaweed
Simple add fresh celery or seaweed (e.g. dulse flakes or nori sheets) to your sauce and dishes to add a salty taste. If you are craving salty stuff on a regular basis, try to incorporate more leafy greens into your daily meals. For extra mineral power and a firm goodbye to salty cravings – go for a glass of pure celery juice in the morning.

Vinegar – lemon or lime juice
I personally don’t use vinegar but whenever I stumble across a recipe that does play with some form of vinegar, I like to replace it with lime or lemon juice. Sumac is also a great substitute if that’s available in your area.

Coffee – Chaga tea
Fortunately I never warmed up to the taste of coffee. But if you have a hard time letting go of this habit, try some chaga tea in the morning which has (in my humble non-coffee experience) a similar taste. For the vibrant wake-up feeling, drink a big glass of water with lemon juice in the morning to get started for the day. 


Creating healthier habits can be a bumpy road and you don’t have to do it all alone. With proper guidance we can create a lifestyle that actually lasts while getting there faster and with more ease. Send me a message to learn more about my 1:1 coaching options. 


Have a beautiful day,



Puerto Escondido, Mexico